Saidia - AP2



New Member

Sorry I dont know anyone out there and I dont know Mike :(

I note that my email to PO from last week has not even been read yet (I have a read facility when sending out mails to know if they have been read or not)

By the way this was Shanis last blog:

A company called is mentioned; anyone had any dealings with them; maybe they are worth contacting.


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New Member
Just got this emailed:

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir tenir compte du courrier en pièces jointe, afin que nous puissions avancer. Monsieur le Gouverneur de la province de Berkane(dont dépends Saïdia),nous a reçu ce matin avec les responsables de Excellia (Skiker et Benabdallah),le Maire de Saïdia, et les représentant de l’ONE (eau) et de l’ONEP (Electricité).Le débat a été très fructueux et Excellia doit nous fournir les plans et documents techniques, mettre aux normes l’électricité de la parcelle. D’autre part, nous avons pu apprendre que contrairement à ce que nous dit Excellia, il n’y a eu qu’une réception Provisoire donc nous avons bien fait de ne pas réceptionner votre parcelle . En ce qui concerne les charges que doit Excellia, nous attendons le délai de mise en demeure (le 24 octobre 2010) et sans règlement, nous faisons un saisie conservatoire sur toutes les ventes réalisées. Nous avons aussi envoyé des couriel aux notaires afin qu’ils appliquent la législation, à savoir : la demande de quitus au syndic en cas de vente, c’est une obligation et la responsabilité du notaire peut être engagée en cas de non paiement des charges. Comptant sur votre règlement au plus tard le 15 octobre 2010(car passé ce délai, il n’y aura plus personne sur la parcelle !!!) Les agents de sécurité essentiels en cette période ne sont pas payés ce qui les oblige a arrêter le travail ce Week end !!!!

Très sincères salutations

Le syndic

Letter attached to email:-

Paris-Oujda Immobilier s.a.r.l
Ventes- Locations-Syndic de Copropriétés
Angle Bd Hassan II et Allal Ben Abdellah
60600 Saïdia
Tél : (00212) (0) Fax (00212)(0) 5 36 62 53 43
Mesdames, Messieurs, chers copropriétaires,
Comme vous le savez, nous avons du arrêter les femmes de ménages de votre résidence ainsi que le jardinage.
Ceci est du au non paiement des charges de copropriété nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la résidence, par certains propriétaires qui mettent en danger leur patrimoine.
La sécurité va s’arrêter le 15 octobre 2010 mettant en danger vos appartements et la résidence.
La SAS (Adoha) n’a pas non plus réglé ses charges, ce qui met la copropriété en difficultés vu le nombre de tantiémes qu’elle représente. Est-ce fait sciemment ??? nous nous posons la question au vu des démarches que nous avons engagées a l’encontre de cette société pour faire valoir vos droits à savoir : Réparations de toutes les malfaçons, réfection des réseaux électriques et d’eau non conformes, réparation des paraboles, réparations des toitures ou les tuiles tombes, des escaliers etc etc en résumé, tout ce qui n’est pas aux normes !
Tout ceci ne plait pas au promoteur, qui pensait que l’on allait réceptionner les parcelles et que tous ces travaux seraient pris en charge par la copropriété.
Il est hors de question que vous payez des travaux qui ne vous incombent pas !!
Par tous les moyens on tente de nous décourager, en coupant l’électricité des parcelles, en rompant le contrat de ramassage des ordures ménagères, et en nous créant chaque jour de nouveaux problémes (tableaux électriques arrachés, fils coupés, etc etc)
toutes ces charges doivent être payées pour l’instant par Excellia !!! Ils veulent que se soit vous copropriétaires qui payez tout cela !!!! Nous le refusons !!!!!
Voila notre mission, mais sans votre aide et le règlement de vos cotisations nous ne pouvons agir !! Alors, mobilisez vous !! Payez vos charges !!!! (pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas encore fait)
Nous avons reçu un courrier de l’avocat du groupe Adoha auquel nous allons devoir répondre par l’intermédiaire de notre avocat, ceci va nous couter de l’argent, mais nous sommes pratiquement sûrs d’arriver à une solution qui nous fera avancer avant que tout ne devienne dramatique. Les éléments en notre possession et les nombreux courriers recommandés, constats d’huissier, adressés a Excellia que nous vous joindrons pour informations protègent vos intérêts.Le gouverneur de la province a fait suite à notre demande et doit nous recevoir ce lundi 11 octobre 2010 . Nous comptons le mettre au courant de toutes ces irrégularités.


New Member
Hi guys

Can someone please translate the above French bits into English? I've run the text into online translator and the resulting translation doesn't really make sense. Thanks


New Member
Hi all,

Today I spoke to POI about the situation of the AP4 and AP2. It seems that this is what everybody was concerned about.
POI don’t want to sign the handover from Excelia, because there is a lot of shortcomings in what they had to deliver.
Excelia blocks the payments because they don’t want to solve the problems just saying that everything is wonderful on site and POI is the cause of this deadlock. Knowing that the reparation of the lacks will cost a lot of money.
It seems that some of the owners are not paying their part of the contribution. POI is starting a legal procedure against Excelia and against owners who still did not pay.
POI told me that they will try to seize the apartments.
The situation now is becoming worse and worse because the cleaning ladies left already and the security people will stop shortly because there is no money for the salary.


New Member
French version

Nous avons l’honneur de vous convoquer en assemblée générale extraordinaire dans les locaux du restaurant de la marina « la voile bleue » qui aura lieu :
En vue de délibérer de l’ordre du jour suivant :
1- Election du bureau de l’assemblée ( président, secrétaire, scrutateurs).
2- Etat descriptif des interventions du syndic avant réception de la parcelle.
3- Etat des dépenses.
4- Balance comptable, situation de trésorerie, liste nominative des copropriétaires défaillants.
5- Explications sur l’application du règlement intérieur de la résidence, respect de parties communes et entretien des jardins privatifs
6- Dans le cadre du règlement intérieur, et de la loi 18 00 sur la copropriété en son article 20 :l’assemblée générale par l’intermédiaire du syndic « prend des décisions et met en place des mesures devant assurer la sécurité, et la quiétude de ses habitants ». Autorisation à donner au syndic d’établir un contrat type sans lequel aucune location ne pourra être souscrite. Décision à prendre. Vote.
7- Actions à mener à l’encontre des copropriétaires défaillants, autorisation au syndic d’ester en justice. Décisions. Vote.
8- Actions à mener contre les propriétaires ayant réalisé des travaux dans ou sur les parties communes sans accord. Décisions à prendre. Vote.
9- Autorisation à accorder à Monsieur et Madame STEVENET de réaliser les travaux selon le projet ci-joint en annexe. Décision à prendre. Vote.
10- Autorisation à accorder aux propriétaires de solarium de créer une ouverture(porte) pour accéder à l’intérieur des tours architecturales afin de les utiliser à des fins privatives. Ceci étant une annexion d’une partie commune. Décision à prendre. Vote.
11- Informations sur les devis d’entretien de la piscine.
12- Achat et pose de panneaux d’affichage.
13- Achat de poubelles « vertes » et de containers.
14- Proposition de contrat d’assurances.
15- Autorisation à donner au syndic d’envoyer les convocations, les procès verbaux d’assemblée, les appels de fonds , ainsi que toutes les informations liées à la résidence par courriel.
16- Autorisation à donner aux propriétaires ne pouvant se déplacer d’adresser leur vote par courriel au syndic.
17- Questions diverses : les personnes souhaitant ajouter des questions à l’ordre du jour devront nous les faire parvenir au moins 15 jours avant l’assemblée.

Le syndic

Si vous ne pouvez assister à cette assemblée, nous vous demandons de nous retourner le pouvoir ci-joint dument complété et signé en mentionnant le nom de la personne devant vous représenter .Les pouvoirs sans nom seront distribués aux copropriétaires présents à l’assemblée.
La loi 18.00 stipule : qu’un copropriétaire ne peut détenir qu’un seul pouvoir et ne représenter qu’une seule personne

Je soussigné, Madame, Monsieur
Demeurant à
Copropriétaire dans la résidence AP4 « al ANDALUS » sur la station balnéaire de SAÏDIA,
Représentant tantièmes de la résidence,
Donne à Monsieur, ou madame
Ou à défaut à monsieur ou madame
Tous pouvoirs, de, et en mon nom , me représenter
A l’effet d’assister à l’assemblée générale extraordinaire du samedi 30 Octobre 2010 dans la salle du restaurant « la voile bleue » sur la marina.
Me représenter et exécuter tous les droits que je détiens du règlement de copropriété et de la loi.
Prendre part en mon nom à toutes les délibérations, discussions et à tous les votes, faire toutes protestations, oppositions et réserves.
Accepter toutes fonctions et tous mandats, signer toute feuille de présence, ainsi que tous procès verbaux de séance et tous actes relatifs à l’administration des parties communes.
Substituer et généralement faire le nécessaire pour assurer ma représentation à la dite assemblée générale.
Respecter mes consignes de vote mentionnées ci-dessous.
Signature précédée de la mention « bon pour pouvoir »
QUESTION 1 ……………………… …………………………….. ………………………………………… ....................
QUESTION 2……………………... ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 3........................ ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 4........................ ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 5........................ .............................. .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 6........................ ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 7........................ ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 8........................ ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 9 ....................... ............................... .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 10...................... ................................ .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 11...................... ................................ .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 12...................... ................................ .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 13..................... ................................. .......................................... ....................
QUESTION 14..................... ................................. .......................................... .....................
QUESTION 15..................... ................................. .......................................... .....................
QUESTION 16.................... ................................. ........................................... .....................
QUESTION 17.................... ................................. ........................................... .....................


New Member
Anybody heard anything about the outcome of the meeting?



New Member
Latest communication from POI. Despite my best efforts I have not been able to find the outcome of the last meeting they convened. This one seems to me to suggest that Addoha want POI to resign but the message is hardly clear! Does anyone know anything about what is going on?

Anyway, correrspondence as follows:


Dear owners

We don't have the time to send us by post this convocation, Addoha want to Paris Oujda Immobilier goes out, because we defend ours interest, without any "arrangment". The decision is your problem

Excusez nous for our english.

Then attachment:

Ventes-Locations-Syndic de Copropriétés
Angle Bd Hassan II et Allal Ben Abdellah
60600 Saïdia
Tél :(00212) (0) Fax (00212)(0)
Portable :
Email : [email protected] Site internet : Paris Oujda Immobilier, l'immobilier à Oujda et Saidia Maroc- Vente maison , Location à Saidia
We have the honor to convene you in ordinary general assembly in the buildings of ADDOHA in SaÏdia


In order to deliberate on the following agenda:

1- Election of the office of the assembly (president, secretary, tellers).
2- Approval of the accounts, full discharge the trustee for it management. All accounts have been audited by an independent person.
3- Moral and financial report ( relationship)
4- Trustee’s resignation has the request of Addoha, appointment of a new trustee

The trustee


New Member
Hi Haaz,

Hope ur keeping well.

Like you I got the email from POI last week and like u I could not make head nor tail of it so Im afraid, lie usual, Ive got no idea about what is actually going on.




New Member
Hi Iba

I have tried to contact a couple of people who I thought may still be in the area but so far not heard anything. I will post if I receive any news.

I had hoped to go out there from the UK in April but work commitments have ruled that out. However, i am now planning to go in September instead. I just feel the need to satisfy myself whether the investment has been lost or whether there remains a glimmer of hope that in the longer term the situation will improve.

For my part I was not trying to make a quick killing so the longer time frame is not a worry. However, I had hoped to use it for myself and family but I'm not certain the infrastructure is in place to promote a happy holiday.



New Member
Hi Haaz,

I guess Im a bit like u then too coz I wasnt in this for the short term.Obviously things have not gone as well as expected, but fingers crossed, over the next 5 or ten years, things will pick up. Yes you are right in saying about the infrastructure problems but at least, as far as I know, the price of the properties have not fluctuated much - I mean they havnt gone down much; so again, it has to be a long term plan.

Just wondering, do u have ur apartment furnished yet?

Wish we could have a good company like Shanis to run things for us.


Hi Iba

I have tried to contact a couple of people who I thought may still be in the area but so far not heard anything. I will post if I receive any news.

I had hoped to go out there from the UK in April but work commitments have ruled that out. However, i am now planning to go in September instead. I just feel the need to satisfy myself whether the investment has been lost or whether there remains a glimmer of hope that in the longer term the situation will improve.

For my part I was not trying to make a quick killing so the longer time frame is not a worry. However, I had hoped to use it for myself and family but I'm not certain the infrastructure is in place to promote a happy holiday.



New Member
Hi Iba

Not furnished the apartment yet or got the plumbing done (very worried about this latter point as the quality of plumbing was not great and I am certain the place will be flooded out as soon as the water is connected!P).

The aim of going out was really to decide whether to make that final investment and also to work out how practical it is to carry out some remedial works myself. I'm not sure how easy it is to buy basic supplies like tiles, grout and paint etc. The aim was to go on a shopping trip in Oujda! :hmmmm2:

I did recently see some pictures about the hotels which was encouraging. I am just hoping that a visit in September will turn out to be a pleasant surprise. You never know.

The big thing I have found at the moment is flights from the UK. They are a nightmare and even worse if you are from "up north". Basically it is a full days travelling both there and back which makes a short trip such hard work.



New Member
I have the same problem with the travelling, Im in Dublin, and for us to get anywhere we have to transit through another country.

Id forgotten about the plumbing and electricity; I know it is quite hard work to get the Lecky connected; I understand that the apartments have not come with Lecky meters and one must go to another city, Ive forgotten the name at the moment and arrange for everything to be set up/installed/connected. Ive heard that this can take between 2 - 4 weeks. For me this is a series headache; I never knew that the apartments came without meters - and by the way, I understand that they are not cheap either. I guess the same applies to having water connected?

It is very easy to buy paint/grout etc in Oujda - plenty of shops selling DIY Gear; possibly be able to buy them now in saidia itself but not 100% sure about that - but in Oujda they have everything. The problem is, do u really want to buy a new drill for example to hang a pic on a block wall? etc This is where Shanis company came in very very handy, and u could rent tools from her for a daily amount.

If u need furniture i would recommend Kitea | mobilier et objets de dcoration en kit or they r both companies in Morocco like IKEA - so u can buy everything in the one place, if of course thats what ur into - saves a lot of time as far as Im concerned rather than shopping around - of course the downside is that the items r not unique. But time is precious
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New Member
Hi Iba

Thanks for all that. Great help. I think the electricity and water will costs a considerable sum to arrange. That's why I had deferred a decision until I knew I would use the property or rent it out.

From memory, David Gale was helping Shani with the actual repair and maintenance works. Do you know if he is still at Saidia? In fact, we had come across David before Shani.



New Member
Sorry, but I dont know David at all

Would love to get somebody to organise the water and lecky for me too; would save so much time.

anyway, we still dont know what this new POI meeting is about yet either


New Member
Hi Iba and Haaz,

Not been on this site for a while, thought I would have a look to see if anything was going on and noticed your posts.

The person you are talking about is Micheal Gale, he is still in Saidia but as far as I know he has taken a back seat with things, I think he is looking for the quiter life!

We used to be with Shani. Just before she left she put us in contact with a company in Saidia town called, Agence Oriental Blue Immobilier, who we now use. They may be able to help you with your electricity and water connections. Property community would not let me write the website or e-mail address's on here as I have not made more than five postings,
so if you have trouble finding them then maybe you can p.m me and I can give you their details. Their names are Anna and Sammi.




New Member
Thanks Kerry

I will certainly follow up on your suggestion.

With regard to Mike Gale I wonder if he would at least be willing to drop a quick email to let us know what is happening (as oppose to actually doing anything)? The greatest concern at the moment is the not knowing. The odd photograph or update on what is going on (are there any holiday makers, is the golf course open, are the swimming pools in use) would be really welcome.

I guess it may be possible to get this from Agence Oriental Blue Immobilier. Do you know anyone else there who would be willing to do this? I have no contact details for anyone actually living there or visiting frequently.




New Member
Hi Haaz,

Not sure how often Micheal visits the resort now.

We have an apartment on AP6 and AP4. AP6 seems to be ticking along ok, still has it's issues but a lot better than AP4. AP6 is managed by a company called unique. The reason I think it is moving forward better is there are quite a few owners that reside there so are in a better position to keep an eye on things and to put pressure on the right people. Also because Excellia are the minority on this plot I think AP6 fairs better financially. I don't really get any updates from these residence with regards to the whole resort more on what is happening within AP6. Most of them are French and Spanish so there is the language barrier.

I have had a few people that I know that have already gone over this year and have sent me a few updates so I will look back on my e-mails and update you. Have you heard anything with regards to the meeting at the weekend. I have had feedback from the AP4 meeting, not sure if AP2 and AP4 meetings were held together as I don't know if the two plots are facing the same problems. I'm sure they are if they are managed by the same company. If you want to pm me your e-mail address I have no problem in updating you as and when I get updates, if you prefer just to communicate via this website then I will update you with what I knowso far. Let me know how much you know with regards to the meeting at the weekend and then I'll try and fill in the gaps.

