Who's looking at Ecuador?



New Member
I've been thinking about Ecuador as a place to invest in real estate (i.e. vacation home for me and rent out when I'm not there). I had been looking at Brazil (and am still interested),but the dollar buys a lot less nowadays and I'm worrying that I may already be priced out :hmpf:

Has anyone done any research into Ecuador real estate opportunities or are there places in this forum where people are discussing Ecuador real estate? It strikes me as being very similar to Panama 15-20 years ago and it would be great to get in now, even if I'm willing to wait a few years for additional infrastructure to be built out.



New Member
I did look at it and it seems there are a few Americans cashing in it trying to re-sell to other foreigners but if you want to snap the deals you need to go there as limited info is available on the net.