
Help: Buying a property with a neighbor's outbuilding against house wall



New Member
Hello all.

I've had an offer on a property accepted but I've got some concerns about a lean-to/outbuilding that is in the neighbour's garden against the wall of the house I'd be buying. It seems there's cladding against "my" wall and whatever the structure is it has electric cabling wired to it from the neighbour's house.

I'll be trying to chase up answers from the estate agent about it but I'm not optimistic that they will give any real answers. I'm tempted to ask the neighbour's themselves but I don't feel like that's necessarily such a great idea.

Is this something I should be so concerned about? It feels like I should know how much the structure is connected to the wall? Where would I stand with repairs? If I paid for a survey would they even have access to check it out?

In principle I'm not really all that fussed about the building being there but I can't help thinking about is they've done some drilling into the wall and it's gonna be slowly filling up with rain water and I'll buy a house and one of the walls is going to fall off.

Soz for such a rambling post. Any advice is much appreciated.


New Member
Better to ask for advice from specialists.

Dora Wi

Active Member
It's a good idea to ask your real estate agent, though I am with you on that they might not give a satisfying answer. Is there anything like a homeowners' association in the area?
Also it might be worth consulting an expert such as an architect to see how much the neighbour's thing affects your property. You might need to get details from the neighbour for that, though.