Search results

  1. N

    Will the US real estate market follow the economy higher?

    Well, it can change the economic status of the state. As we can see, the real estate as well as the stock exchange can affect the economy.
  2. N

    No Need to tidy !

    I would prefer a good and clean house.
  3. N

    Stagnant wages major offender in declining security

    A new report from BankRate says that many American customers are not following basic financial disciplines, such as monitoring spending and keeping a budget. This, claims the report, is just one reason why the Financial Security Index has dropped to its lowest stage since March. The...
  4. N

    Torn between 3 choices

    It's really hard to choose with the 3 choices. I would rather take the 3 choices with me. :)
  5. N

    Finished property or one you can work on?

    It depends. if you feel like saving it, then, work for it. But, if not, give it up then and sell.