Records suggest that celebrity chef Shannon Bennett and his actor wife Madeline West are on the verge of acquiring a multi-million dollar mansion in Toorak, Melbourne. It is believed the property was initially listed at around $20 million and documents show that Shannon Bennett has placed a caveat over the Lansell Road property. This effectively means that no one else can register an interest in the property head of theirs.
What do you get for $20 million?
The five bedroom property is being sold by millionaire Melbourne pub owner Mazen Tabet offering 1514 m² on one of Melbourne’s most prestigious streets. It is unclear at this moment in time whether the $20 million asking price is still in place but when it was listed back in January this was the asking price. Confirmation that a caveat was added over the property would suggest there has been significant interest?
Futuristic-looking property
To say that this is a property with a difference would be a great understatement. The block style design fits perfectly with the floor-to-ceiling windows and the “pods” on either side. On one hand it looks as though it has been built using simple blocks but the balconies, the stairway, the swimming pool and the array of glass throughout make it look extremely enticing.
Two-story property
The entranceway to this property is strewn with trees, shrubs and flowers which are all part of an immaculately manicured garden/lawn. Then we have a large wooden door which gives you a taste of things to come within the property. The open plan design, floor-to-ceiling windows and array of natural light make the mansion look extremely bright, breezy and spacious.
Unique ceiling
The open plan design of the property is complemented by the unique ceiling design which has your eyes jumping from floor to ceiling to wall in each room. The living areas are similar in decor colours, beige/cream, although there is a variation in the top of the range chairs and sofas. There is also a wood style throughout with different shades and different colours prevalent in each room.
Dining room
The dining room is effectively an all glass pod on the front of the property which has the look and feel of a restaurant. The design of this particular area is unique and extremely easy on the eye and while diners may initially feel exposed, the trees and hedges give much-needed privacy. It must be amazing to wine and dine in this “pod” in the full moon or on a long summer’s evening.
High-class finish
The original listing agent confirmed that the previous owner had spent “an absolute fortune” building the property to the highest standards available. It is not difficult to see where the investment has gone, the minute attention to detail and the futuristic/classic blended look across this mansion. No expense has been spared on the furniture, decor, design of the property and we guarantee you will not have seen anything quite like this before. It would have been interesting to see whether the $20 million list price was achieved but at this moment in time the caveat gives Shannon Bennett and Madeline West first refusal on the property. How can they say no?