It is safe to say that property investors today are unlikely to experience anything remotely similar to the current environment – ever again. Economies are struggling, stock markets are extremely volatile and property investors are waiting to see in which direction property prices move in the short to medium term. The UK government has announced an array of support packages which will help many property investors/landlords but what exactly is out there?
Protecting your business/portfolio
In these difficult times it is very important to put in place protection for your business/property portfolio. There may be opportunities to remortgage at near rock bottom interest rates, we could see some very attractive investment opportunities but the main thing is, keep your focus and keep calm.
The details of the Property Forum Chat show are as follows:-
DATE: Thursday 9th April, 12:30pm
HOSTED BY: Nicholas Wallwork, Property Forum’s CEO
WHERE: Broadcast LIVE on Property Forum TV on YouTube
GUEST SPEAKER: Paul Mahoney, CEO of Nova Financial
This is your chance to ask the questions on the tip of your tongue, to delve deeper into the inner workings of the property market and ask the advice and guidance of those who’ve been there and done it. It would be foolish to suggest that the following months will not be challenging but that does not mean panic selling, losing focus or not taking advantage of support and finance out there.
Topics covered in the podcast
The podcast is live on Thursday and already numbers are building as interest grows. Those registering for the podcast can put forward their own questions with as many as possible being covered live on air. Those not covered live will be addressed on the forum in the days ahead. So far we know that the following topics will be covered on the podcast:-
• Can you apply for a repayment break on all types of property finance (just like you can with B2L mortgages)? If not, what other measures could be put in place to protect your business?
• How can landlords protect their rental income and what’s the best way to approach tenants at this time?
• What emergency property finance / refinance might you be able to apply for now to help a bad cashflow situation on a development?
• What can you do if you have lost your workforce on a current development site?
• Do you have any ideas to attract new tenants (if some of your properties are emptying)?
• What properties and locations deal best with crisis and recessions?
• How to mitigate the risk of a cash flow short fall
• How to ensure that your property rents in contrast to the competition
This will give you a flavour of the flow of information you can expect and that’s before we take into account the interactive audience.
Podcast speakers
The two speakers at the podcast have a huge amount of experience between them and will be waxing lyrical about current market conditions, potential going forward and ways in which you can protect your portfolio.
Nicholas Wallwork
International For Dummies Author, Entrepreneur, Property Investor, Developer and CEO of www.propertyforum.com.
Paul Mahoney
Founder of Nova Financial Group. Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Property TV show host, Award Winning Speaker, Qualified & Experienced IFA, Landlord and Property Expert and Commentator.
This promises to be a very interesting and informative podcast and one which will be available at a later date for those who are unable to attend.