5 of the Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

Whether your property is large or small, the last thing you want to have to deal with is a leaky roof. No one wants to have to frantically search for a bucket every time it starts raining. Not only is it impractical to continually be checking the weather forecast, but usually that one small drip is caused by a much larger issue in the roof. Roofing problems can be costly and take a lot of time to fix, so to try and save you some time and money, we’ve produced a list of some of the most common causes of roof leaks and how you can identify them:

Your Flashing Needs Replacing

Flashing is the narrow pieces of metal which are installed in between the roof joints. They are used to help create a water-resistant barrier (to stop water from getting into your property). If you notice large cracks in your flashing, then it probably needs replacing.

Flashing is usually joined together by tar. Over time this tar corrodes and cracks the metal. If you notice a ceiling leak or moisture inside your property, then broken flashing could be the cause.

If you’re unsure what is causing the leak, then it’s a good idea to ask for advice from a professional service like Pinpoint Trace and Access. With 55 years of combined experienced in the industry, this company can help to detect a leak before it turns into a more serious problem. They use specialist equipment to find out where the leak is coming from and will be able to advise on how to fix it.

Your Roof Tiles are Broken or Missing

This one is easier to spot than the last. Simply look up at your roof to see if any tiles are missing or cracked. You may even notice small pieces of tiles scattered around your garden – this will give you an indication that the roof needs checking for damage. In most cases, the weather is to blame for broken roof tiles.

The Joints in Your Roof Need Resealing

A joint in your roof is known as a valley. If valleys aren’t sealed properly (or the sealant has corroded over time) then rainwater will be able to get inside your property. If you notice damp patches on the ceiling, then there’s a good chance that your roof needs re-sealing.

Your Roof Vents are Blocked

If you look at the top of your house (close to your roof line) you will spot a number of different pipes sticking out. These pipes are called roof vents. Roof vents get rid of any excess moisture that might be inside your property. If these vents become blocked, your home will start smelling musty and you may notice dark spots on your ceiling.

The Skylights Are to Blame

Leaks from skylights are usually one of the easiest types of leaks to spot. If you see wet spots appearing around your windows or you’re constantly having to place a bucket underneath the window when it’s raining, then you’ll know that they’re to blame. However, before you change the skylight, make sure you check that your flashing hasn’t cracked first. In many cases, the flashing is the cause of leaks around skylights. Changing the flashing is a lot cheaper than purchasing a brand-new skylight.

Whether you’ve got a flat roof, a pitched roof, or a contemporary style roof, wear and tear will still happen. There will be heavy winds, long winters, and rainstorms. But roof leaks? This is something that we can try and avoid. If you look after your roof properly, then it should last for decades to come. If you spot stains appearing on your ceiling or notice a musty smell, then it’s a good idea to get it checked out. You’ll definitely be pleased you did if it saves you money and time.

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