Most members from the United Kingdom have reported that the flights to Hurghada have been hard to get, almost always fully booked, and quite expensive. Average plane fares from Gatwick Airport in London, as experienced by several members, are equal or a little less than £280. This is with different airlines offering different rates and add-ons. Flights from the Manchester Airport are reported to generally have higher rates, but may have a few airline operators offering prices close to the average rates in Gatwick.
There is much anticipation to be seen in the reduction of these rates and the increase in the availability of flights to Hurghada from the United Kingdom. The acquisition of EasyJet of GB Airways may offer some solution to this dilemma, but there is no concrete evidence yet to prove so. Currently, flights from Eastern Europe are much more affordable than the flights in the United Kingdom to Hurghada and vice versa.
Discuss low cost flights to Egypt in more detail on our Egypt discussion forum.
Dear readers. In response to the "Low Cost Flights" article, I see no increase in seats and cheap availability for the coming future. The crash of XL and the global economic crisis has put paid to that.
My partner and I managed a Thomson flight back from Sharm on the 10th February 2009 for £97 each, with 21 passengers on a 240 seat 737. Probably because it was in between school holidays and the last of the winter season for brochure bookings. Which leads to my point. As a real estate consultant I believe Tour Operators will not increase the amount of planes flying to new Egypt locations until they are sure of the numbers well in advance. Volatile fuel prices in mid-2008 meant losses as pre-booked hotel holidays didn't cover their overheads. Contractual landing rights meant some flights were not full. Turmoil in the markets could have led to offering cheap flights for visiting residents, but no airline took the chance. Instead of using good marketing skills, they cut back on their schedules.
So if the recession bites, the increased hotel capacity throughout Egypt may find themselves not serviced. What chance of a flight to your own apartment, or for that matter any visitor renting a residential property that is not part of a hotel complex? Tour operators will not put on flights especially for residents who book on impulse. Low-cost Airlines have no crystal ball to forecast demand. They need a foothold to ruputable Hotel chains and not the cheaper end of the market now saturated with Russian visitors who have half price concessions.
My fellow real estate agents and I have no control of fares and availability. What I advise future investors is to buy properties on First Class Hotel complexes that have a good reputation with airlines. Not only will you receive good rental income but have more chance of a seat in 2009.
Alan Cockayne
CEO of Coralife-Style Ltd.