Episode 8 of Property Forum’s Chat Show Podcast >

“The Aftermath of the UK Evictions Ban!”

DATE: Thursday 17th June, 12.00p.m.
HOSTED BY: Nicholas Wallwork, Property Forum’s CEO
GUEST SPEAKER: Paul Shamplina is the founder of www.landlordaction.co.uk and regularly appears on all the major TV networks (including the BBC, ITV, and Channels 4 and 5), sharing his eviction expertise. Often referred to as ‘The Landlords’ Friend’ he has spent over 25 years in the legal field helping landlords and letting agents with problem tenants

Chat Show Topic…

With the current ban on UK evictions now set to finish on 20th September, what will the aftermath look like for landlords and tenants?

In this episode of Property forum’s chat show podcast we chat to Paul Shamplina about all aspects of Property Evictions, including:

  • Will eviction processes be even slower than usual with the influx of eviction notices put forwards?
  • Your eviction options explained – what to do to evict your problem tenant as quickly as possible!
  • What can landlords do to try and recoup any monies owed during the eviction band period?
  • Should landlords be changing their rental contract terms to be protecting themselves in the future?
  • With furlough due to end in October and a potential increase in redundancies, what can landlords do now to protect their income from rental tenants?

To make sure you are up-to-date on future episodes of Property Forum’s Chat Show Podcast, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel here.


  • Please submit a maximum of 2 questions that you would like Nicholas and Paul to answer. Please note, if there isn't time to answer all questions, they will be answered on www.propertyforum.com within the following days.

Who should watch this Chat Show Podcast?

This Chat Show will draw on Paul and Nicholas’ combined expertise to provide a fact-filled, helpful evictions episode which is essential viewing for all landlords.

Introducing Our Speakers...

Nicholas Wallwork

International For Dummies Author, Entrepreneur, Property Investor, Developer and CEO of www.propertyforum.com.

Paul Shamplina

Founder of www.landlordaction.co.uk and regularly appears on all the major TV networks (including the BBC, ITV, and Channels 4 and 5), sharing his eviction expertise.