Will Chinese real estate only prosper when the government reduces its control?



Staff member
When you look at property markets around the world very often the likes of China and India are mentioned because of the enormous populations and growing individual wealth. The Chinese real estate market has been in the news of late with attempts by the government to stop overheating and bring valuations back on a more "balanced keel" failing spectacularly.

Critics will have you believe that the Chinese government has too much control over the economy and the real estate market in particular. This prompts the question will we only really see a prosperous Chinese real estate market once the government reduces its control and influence?


New Member
Why blame the Chinese government? Which government would destroy its own economy? That sounds a bit odd to me. However, I've read an article from Forbes that Chinese real estate including Hong Kong commercial properties is unstoppable! Krishna Memani, CIO of Oppenheimer Funds in New York said that we can debate whether equity in China is overvalued, but she's pretty sure it is going higher. A lot of money will end up in asset markets like equities and bonds.