
Making an offer outside of MMOA



New Member
I detest the MMOA trend that many estate agents and their equally parasitic auction partners are promoting (successfully) to naive vendors. There are no winners in this trendy new 'method' except lazy estate agents and the auction site owners. Bang a few photos online, cut and paste some generic formulaic descriptive words, convince the vendor 'that's the best price they're going to get', because why should the agent care!? and immediately pocket a tidy profit of >£6k between them for practically no effort and certainly no risk.

If I wish to submit an offer to the vendor outside of the MMOA, is the estate agent legally obliged to pass my offer to the vendor?

Is there any law that prevents me from offering to pay towards the vendor's legal fees on successful completion as a sign of commitment?

They'll get a better price for their house and have lower outgoings, I get the house for a fair price and the parasites get nothing. The two key people in the transaction gain and the middlemen do not.