Airconomy in Cyprus, Landlords need this!!!



New Member
Hi, this is great for anyone who owns property and rents out to holiday makers! Over the last year it has been amazing looking at my electricity bills from before and after fitting, Have a look at their website. just google airconomy and it will give you a link!!
I've had 3 fitted in my apts!

Poppy x


New Member
I have 2 new apartments in Cyprus and have had Air-conomy's key fobs fitted to the AC in both. They also fit timers onto the immersion heater switch. Definitely a good investment! :)


New Member
Cutting down on electrical bills

A suggestion for a cheaper alternative to the airconomy system is using Horstmann Electrisaver timer switches. They are available in both the UK and Cyprus and cost around £35 Stg each. They can be used for both the A/C units and the emerson and have 30 min, 60 min and 120 min options.