70% Discount Today: £3395 £1188
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This Advertising Package helps you find investors

Are you promoting a property investment opportunity?
This specialist advertising package is designed for companies wanting to nd investors
for property investments in the UK or overseas. We know the advertising options
that work best for this type of promotion, giving you the greatest possible chance
of success with your campaign and excellent value for your budget.

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Your property investments will be seen by…

[icon icon=”fa-check” size=”18px” color=”#33ad94″]over 64,000 property investors, landlords and developers across our forum
[icon icon=”fa-check” size=”18px” color=”#33ad94″]over 50,000 landlords and investors across our social media channels
[icon icon=”fa-check” size=”18px” color=”#33ad94″]up to 30,000 unique monthly visitors

Increase sales of your Property Investments with this targeted package
which includes 6 marketing streams…

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[row] [columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Social Media
Reach over 50,000 landlords and investors across our networks on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter with a 2 month targeted social media campaign, professionally written by our marketing team. Your dedicated Account Manager will focus on driving targeted results from your ideal customer type.

[/columns][columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Mailshot
A dedicated mailshot sent to our active database of almost 10,000 property investors, landlords and developers who have recently ‘opted in’ to receive marketing from us about property investment deals.


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[row] [columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Sponsored Articles
Articles are 500 – 600 words in length and sit permanently on our well respected News Portal (which is picked up by Google News). Articles allow you to showcase your expertise in a neutral way, generating ongoing leads by linking back to your website. Links from www.propertyforum.com also provide huge SEO benets to your company website.


[/columns][columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Banner
Our team will advise you on the best place to position your banner so that it is in front of the most relevant target audience for oyur type of property investment. It can be professionally designed by our team if required.


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[row] [columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Magazine Advert
Benfet from our exclusive partnership with the UK’s only HMO Magazine, with a half page advert reaching an even wider audience of UK landlords and investors. Your advert would appear in both a printed and digital issue.


[/columns][columns class=”medium-6 small-12″] Agent Membership
Agent Membership allows you to become a recognised expert in your eld through conversations on our forums. Each time you chat on the forum, your company logo, description and a link to your website is displayed, meaning the more your chat,the more promotion your company receives.

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Limited availability. Only 3 left!

£3395 £1188

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Our helpful team are available 9:00am – 6:00pm monday to friday to answer any questions you might have.
All our packages are exible, giving you the option to swap one marketing option for another. We can also create a
bespoke package for you if you prefer.

[button url=”https://www.propertyforum.com/product/finance-package” target=”_self” color=”whitebutred” size=”large” class=”landingbut1″]Read More[/button]
